10 July 2012

Mitt Romney's off shore accounts

I have read many posts about Mitt Romney's off-shore accounts and his reluctance to reveal more about his finances. I can understand that reluctance but Mitt has chosen a path that requires above average transparency - he is asking the people of this country to vote him as their leader. A quote from Patrick Henry seems appropriate: "The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." Patrick Henry

25 January 2011

Maurice Jones Drew criticism of Cutler

I have a lot of respect for MJD but not for his actions concerning Cutler. If he intended it as a knock against the Gators then it has gone horribly wrong. I believe that MJD now owes the long suffering fans of the Jacksonville Jaguars an apolopy for his statement that he played most of the season with a knee injury; and then shut it down near the end when the Jags needed him the most. That is an insult to the fans. Out of respect for the team and the fans perhaps he should have shut it down earlier and let Jennings step forward and contribute to the team.

It will be interesting next season to hear the comments concerning MJD with his history of fading at the end of season. Perhaps its time for Jennings to be the featured back (size, speed, durability) and "Pocket Hercules" well when he is not playing hurt can be the short yardage specialist.

11 November 2010

Phil Simms comment on NFL fines

I listened to Phil Simms on the Showtime NFL show talk about how unfair the $50,000 fine being given to players for head-head hits. His reasoning is that it was unfair to penalize the players making the minimum NFL salary the same as the higher earners because it would take them 3 games to recover the amount.

It was an astonishing comment given today’s environment 50+ million Americans without health insurance, millions more without jobs, and millions who barely make $50,000/year. I am certain that there are millions of people who would trade their current life to take a $50,000 fine that they can make up in 3 games.